Web Design, SEO, and Internet Marketing

5 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO

Written by Tony Sova | Nov 14, 2012 5:33:00 PM

Let's face it, blogging is hard for most people. It's tedious, time consuming, and usually not rewarding. The reason that it's rarely rewarding is because of a lack of understanding of the importance of blogging and how it relates to search engine optimization (SEO).

There is a lot of information about SEO and blogging on the internet but it can be overwhelming to know which information to follow.  As a digital marketing agency, we build SEO friendly websites for our clients and encourage them to start blogging once the site is launched. To help support our clients, we've decided to create a free tutorial on five easy ways to optimize your blog posts for SEO:

5 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO

We've been doing a lot of keeping up with Google and all the changes that have occurred over that past year. Google uses algorithms and ranking signals to find data in its search index to deliver the best possible results for a query – essentially, they are trying to provide the most relevant webpages ranked by relevance on its search engine results page (SERP) for each search. In Google’s early years they didn’t make a lot of updates to their algorithms but that has changed in recent years; now they make many changes every year, some big and some small. Most businesses won’t notice the small changes but they can see a huge shift in their search engine result rankings with a major change to Google algorithms.

One of the specific changes Google has made that has affected search engine optimization, is the recognition of long tail keywords. What we've found is that there has been a huge shift from optimizing short tail keywords to long tail keywords.

What are long tail keywords? Long tail keywords are longer, specific phrases people type in the search bar when searching in search engines. They are searches made up of three or more words together. An example of a long tail keyword is best Bellingham web designer. Its short tail counterpart would be web designer. Researchers have found that most searchers use long-tail keywords so businesses are missing out on traffic when they only use short tail keywords.

Through all of our research and hands on experience, we've come to understand that blogging is the number one way to get ranked on Google for long tail keywords. This makes it very important to create blog posts in a way that search engines like. There are five key elements that should go into how you create your blog posts and we've created a tutorial on how to incorporate them so you can get the return on investment from your blog that you’ve been hoping for.

Once you go through the tutorial, you'll be able to come back and see things we've done in this post to optimize for the keywords in the title. After the tutorial, see if you can identify all the things we've done to optimize this blog post in an SEO friendly way. (Oh, and by the way, there are actually more than five ways to optimize blog posts for SEO but we've picked the five most effective ways to help you get started.)

Go ahead and click; it's free:

Softwired provides digital solutions for our clients and partner agencies. We’ve got you covered for web design, SEO, local online presence and optimization, digital marketing, digital sales, and digital advertising. Whether you’re interested in a silent partnership or a referral program, web design only or more.