Web Design, SEO, and Internet Marketing

How to build a Real Estate Sales Funnel Online

Written by Tony Sova | Mar 23, 2021 2:08:00 AM

Attract Clients with a Commercial Real Estate Funnel

With the understanding that today most real estate prospects start out as unknown website visitors we know that real estate companies must stand out online in order to attract new clients. Real estate firms can win in a competitive market by building an effective commercial real estate funnel that converts traffic into qualified leads. There are several steps involved in attracting web traffic and converting unique visitors into paying real estate customers.

How Real Estate Companies can Attract Clients with a Commercial Real Estate Funnel

In order to compete online and benefit from a commercial real estate sales funnel, businesses must first create the platform on which it will be built.

Website and on-site optimization:

The first step to competing online is to build a great website; it should be user friendly, offer useful information to prospective and existing clients and be properly optimized for relevant long-tail keywords and topics. When a business takes the time to create and optimize their commercial real estate website the right way, the result is more potential clients finding and clicking on their website because it shows up at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Real estate funnel:

After the website is successfully attracting visitors, the online sales funnel can be created to convert website visitors to customers as it reaches customers at the stage they are at in the buying journey and guides them through to the buying decision.

What is an online sales funnel?

Generally, an online sales funnel is the buying process that companies lead customers through when purchasing products or services on their website. For commercial real estate companies, a real estate funnel is a series of web pages / landing pages that customers navigate through as they move from unknown visitor to qualified lead and choose to contact the business. The real estate sales funnel has the potential to drive the long-term growth of commercial real estate transactions because it creates and supports the firm’s real estate sales.

Top 5 steps to create a real estate funnel that translates into seller leads

Here are 5 steps to create an online sales funnel for your real estate company:

  1. Make it easy for potential clients to contact you. Provide your phone number and/or e-mail and/or contact form in the header, footer, on the contact page and in “calls to action” throughout your website.
  2. Create a landing page for each of your properties and for all the demographics you want to attract. For example, a young family could be taken to a landing page that focuses on school districts while a senior couple could be taken to a landing page that discusses proximity to grocery shopping and recreation for people aged 55 plus.
  3. Add a pop-up to your website that prompts visitors to subscribe to your real estate newsletter. Be sure to gather demographic information at this stage. Use demographic information to write newsletters relevant to each demographic group you are targeting.
  4. Set-up auto e-mails to both the lead and internally when a potential leads click from a landing page. Use the internal e-mail to follow-up individually.
  5. Create a second-stage landing page optimized specifically for return traffic.

In order to survive and thrive in 2018, most businesses need to find ways to convert people searching for information online into leads, prospects and paying clients. We can help you do that with a functional and appealing website and real estate funnel.

Our online marketing team maps the buyer journey through data analysis features; we track the journey of unique visitors from where they were referred to the website to which pages they visited and for how long. We work to understand what the prospective buyer wants from each page.

This information is then used to create a plan to provide the information your potential clients are looking for and direct them to become a lead; from there we can nurture those leads into customers.